Charity Commission – consultation on revisions to the Annual Return 2023-25


sarah brooke-taylor


This consultation is for changes to the Annual Return from 1st Jan 2023, and would apply to all charities with income over £10,000 and all CIOs.

The Commission have developed new questions to obtain additional data enabling them to regulate charities more effectively, most of which would be asked each year. In addition they are consulting on the Commission having flexibility to include or omit certain questions based on the rationale set out in the consultation.

They ask whether the questions proposed are relevant and proportionate and whether charities of all types and sizes would be able to understand all proposed questions and collate the right data.

They say “We are looking to ensure the overall burden on charities is proportionate and have offset the impact of the new questions by removing redundant questions and simplifying those questions we are retaining where possible, to make them clearer and easier to complete.”

The closing date is 1st September 2022.

For more information see: Charity Commission: revisions to the Annual Return 2023-25 – GOV.UK (