Local housing need dwellings in Bearley
Planning Application 19/01245/FUL – 7 local housing need dwellings off Oaktree Close, Bearley
This exciting project is delivering seven homes for people with a local connection to Bearley parish.
This proposed “Local Needs” scheme, which includes two bungalows and two maisonettes, has been under consideration for many years and will make a valuable contribution towards meeting local housing need. Such small-scale housing schemes must be within or adjacent to an existing settlement and are specifically limited through local and national policies to meet identified local need.
The application has been submitted on behalf of Orbit Group (who will undertake construction of the scheme) and Warwickshire Rural Housing Association (who will ultimately own and manage the properties once completed).
Through a S106 Planning Agreement the seven properties, all available at social rent, will be provided to households with a local connection and who are registered on Home Choice Plus (the local authority’s housing waiting list). In reality these could be your own, or your neighbours, sons and daughters achieving their own home, perhaps returning to live in the community, or you/your neighbours downsizing to a more convenient home.
If your household is interested in any of these properties please ensure that you are registered with SDC. Application forms are available by email (housingadviceteam@stratford-dc.gov.uk), telephone (01789 260861), or download (www.homechoiceplus.org.uk).
Households must be registered with Home Choice Plus to be considered for housing and allocations will only be made to households who can demonstrate the relevant local parish connection, defined as:
- Born in the parish, or
- Currently lives in the parish and has done so for at least 12 months, or
- Currently works in the parish and has done so for at least 12 months, or
- Previously lived in the parish for at least 3 years, or
- Has immediate family (parents, siblings, children) resident in the parish for at least 3 years.
Local connection categories have equal weighting and are not cumulative (ie, if you have more than one local connection this doesn’t given you any advantage over a household that has just one local connection).
All new housing association properties for rent are advertised via Home Choice Plus and households register an interest in the properties by bidding. The bidding process does not infer any commitment, just ensures that your interest in a property is registered.
If you wish to find out more please either contact Sarah Brooke-Taylor at Warwickshire Rural Community Council (sarahbt@wrccrural.org.uk) or Neil Gilliver, Development Officer at Warwickshire Rural Housing Association (neil.gilliver@midlandsrural.org.uk), the housing association who will be managing the properties.