Planners Guide to Community Led Housing
Community led housing gives local residents the chance to build the right housing for their locality. Creating communities that are enthusiastic about building new homes is a genuine win for local residents and also for the local planning authority seeking to hit their housing targets.
Although this Planners-Guide-to-CLH July2019 is aimed at planners, and local authority housing enabling officers it is useful for anyone supporting community led housing groups in England.
Over the last few years Community Led Housing (CLH) has changed from a small niche interest to a nationwide movement. Through formal legally constituted groups, communities are fully involved in developing, managing and owning the homes that meet the needs of their community, whether in a village, town or city. They may be a small rural affordable housing scheme, part of a larger open market development or a component of an urban regeneration project.
CLH can take a number of legal forms, provide a range of tenures from social rent to owner-occupation, and can be delivered through different routes from self and custom build, community build alone and in partnership with a housing association or private developer.