Rural Housing Week – affordable homes for rent
The private rented sector has accounted for about one fifth of households in England since 2013-14. Data indicates that this sector remains the tenure with the highest proportion of non-decent dwellings, with nearly a quarter of dwellings failing to meet the Decent Homes Standard (English Housing Survey 2021-2022).
Quality of housing can seriously impact the physical and mental health of a household, particularly with an increasingly ageing population.
Social housing is lower-cost rented housing provided by landlords registered with the Regulator of Social Housing, known as social landlords. Social landlords can be a local council or a housing association, and social housing provided by councils is often referred to as ‘council housing’.
Your local council holds a waiting list of people who are interested in housing to rent. People who are seen to have the greatest need will be given the highest priority. In some circumstances people with a local connection to a particular community are given priority. Check your local council housing allocation policy for details.
Social housing is usually much cheaper than privately rented housing and can also offer greater security from eviction. Would your local rural community benefit from a small supply of social rent housing, provided by a housing association? Contact the Rural Housing Enabler to find out how they can work with you to provide homes for rent that are suitable for all age groups: or 01789 842182.