Outdoor breakfast is back on the menu at Shotteswell!


Kim Slater


Shotteswell Village Hall celebrated the return of its monthly Breakfast Club outdoors in the sunshine on Sunday 18th April, with many locals enjoying the chance to meet up again in a Covid safe outdoor space and enjoy delicious home cooked breakfasts.

The Village Hall Committee ensured that the event was inclusive by continuing to offer a home delivery/takeaway option, so those who preferred to remain at home were catered for as well.  And as usual, Ben Zammett and his team were busy in the kitchen, serving up a wide range of options and including vegan breakfasts.

It was also good to see representatives from Wellesbourne Police mingling with the community and sharing the great atmosphere enjoyed by all.  The Breakfast Club continues to go from strength to strength and Shotteswell continues to lead the way as WRCC’s flagship Warm Hub in Warwickshire!

Find out more about WRCC’s Warm Hubs initiative to target social isolation and loneliness in rural communities.