WCC – Community Safety Survey 2024


sarah brooke-taylor


In Warwickshire, there are a range of organisations working together to keep you as safe as possible.

These include local councils, Fire and Rescue, Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Probation Service, Health and charitable organisations, who work together to address and improve community safety through the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board.

The Board aims to create safer communities and wants to understand current community safety issues and any concerns of residents and those who work or study in Warwickshire.

The survey will enable the Board to develop its services, with the aim of increasing how safe residents feel and promoting action that can be taken to help make you feel safer.

By sharing what matters to you, those that make decisions about community safety at a national and neighbourhood level will better understand how crimes and incidents impact on your feeling of safety. They’ll also know what influences how safe you feel, and how you may like to be communicated with and involved.

The results will be analysed in the summer of 2024, and used to inform the setting of local community safety priorities from the autumn onwards.

We thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. Your experiences and concerns are important to us and will help us ensure we are addressing issues which matter to Warwickshire residents and those who work and / or study in the county.